You are currently viewing 非本科系畢業又常有轉職空窗期怎麼辦?我如何從在英國面試不斷被拒絕,到最後錄取上喜歡的工作


客座文章:本文由作者陳翊萱 Yi-Shiuan Chen 授權《麥可故事貿易公司》轉載、編輯,原文網址

我是非本科畢業,轉職期間又有很多空窗期,所以不論是在台灣,還是英國求職時,面試官都很愛問我為什麼離職,當時我的第一份工作從 2015/10 到 2016/02、第二份工作從 2017/07 到 2018/08、第三份工作從 2019/01 到 2020/10。(上一篇文章:你想大大增加在國外面試錄取的機會嗎?那你一定要懂台灣公司不愛問,但是國外求職卻很注重的 Behavioural questions


從上面時間軸,可以看出我的工作經歷非常的不連貫,會讓人第一眼就質疑我是否有什麼問題。當時面試官問我為什麼會有這些空窗期,我就非常誠實的說因為我之前常加班,導致身體不好出問題,還去掛了急診,然後我就看到人資聽完尷尬地笑了一下說 Oh I’m sorry,隔幾天他們就傳訊息說,他們不能冒險雇用我。


“At that company I had three projects in the same time, and we usually had urgent tasks, we need to push to the production 4 or 5 times, so I didn’t have enough time to learn about technologies deeper, also my long-term goal is to work abroad, I thought that staying in this company won’t allow me to pursue my goal.”




比如說面試官問你 Do you think you are a good developer?


How do you define the definition of good?” 

The developer who can write good code? Or they have good communication skills?” 

透過 LinkedIn 事先了解面試官背景,打造客製化的答案

若能在面試前知道面試官的名字,我會在面試前上 LinkedIn 查詢這個人是什麼職位,通常我會按照面試官是人資還是技術人員,設計2套不同的自我介紹內容,同時也準備 3 分鐘和 5 分鐘的版本。


  • 因為基本上人資不太清楚技術名詞,所以自我介紹我會偏重個性描述,連結過去經歷和這份工作的內容
  • 了解這公司開這職缺所需要的原因是什麼,提出可以為公司帶來什麼?


My name is Yi-Shiuan Chen. I am a front-end developer and I have 3 years’ experience in front-end, back-end engineering and designing websites.


“I have spearheaded building a new official website. The most difficult thing to me was the original leader left us a half-completed website, which had lots of bugs, and the deadline was approaching. So what I did was to evaluate the work, reschedule then assign the tasks. After great cooperation and communication with my colleagues for 2 months, finally we launched the website online. The product managers really appreciated my effort.”

“I also improved working processes proactively such as holding, planning and evaluating a series of technical training classes which are usually held once a month, which enhance developer’s abilities and decrease problems in each team. I also wrote documents so that developers can follow the instructions to solve the problem by themselves without asking others to save manpower.”

“Reviewed code with my colleagues to prevent bugs, which makes code easier for other developers to maintain. I love to read technical articles and write side-projects after work.“

“My supervisor always mentions that he is impressed by my enthusiasm for the job.

“I have been an exchange student in Germany, I have to deal with daily affairs by myself, which means I have good adaptability and a high stress tolerance.”


I would like to do [something] for [the company].”


  • 這時候就可以偏重技術方面,描述自己擁有的技能
  • 為了解決什麼問題,所以使用什麼技術,連結自己技術和這份工作的職缺關鍵字
  • 了解這公司開這職缺所需要的原因是什麼,提出可以為公司帶來什麼?


My name is Yi-Shiuan Chen, I have 3 years experience in front-end and back-end, e-commerce and the fintech industry.


“My previous job was at XXX which is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Asia (The Amazon of Taiwan), I worked for third payment department where I was responsible for revising the official website with JavaScript and PHP and implemented Restful APIs, adopted docker. Those together increased the number of members from 1.5 to 2 million.” 


“Now I am focusing React, Redux, React hooks and I created an interactive resume which allows the user to interact with the object such as a computer on the website, and I also wrote an open-source project to let users create the social button easily on the NPM platform.”

“I’m into both front-end and back-end, I like to provide great user interfaces and experiences to users, I also like to implement business logic. We run scrum and I work with a cross-functional team with product manager, designer, account manager, etc.”


I would like to do [something] for [the company].”


一個在國外蠻重要的面試技巧,就是把面試官當成朋友來看,我之前面試就是都把面試官當成陌生人,他問什麼我就回答什麼,跟對方沒什麼其他互動。但在幾次面試下來,我發現開場時你可以主動向面試官打招呼,問問對方周末過得怎麼樣? 聖誕節過得如何?



由於英國和台灣時差的關係,通常面試會是台灣時間下午到晚上,有時候甚至到凌晨,所以如果你是一邊工作、一邊求職海外工作就更顯辛苦了。要跟國外人資約時間時,你可以想好在台灣方便面試的時間,然後換算成英國時間,再跟對方約,比如說 :09:00 am – 10:00 am (UK time or GMT + 0) ,註明你寫的是英國時間。日期上寫法英式和美式不一樣,英國是日/月/年如 25/11/2020,但也還是有遇到有人不確定哪個是月份,所以我就會改寫成 25th November 2020。



分享我過去蒐集了以下 Behavior Questions面試用語問面試官問題三大項目的問題,歡迎點擊參考,如果有錯誤的地方或是可以新增的問題,歡迎留言告訴我

而我也會列出每個題目面試官想知道的,和回答的提示,然後運用 HackMD 共筆的優點讓其他人也可以留下自己的回答方式,互相精進。

(延伸閱讀:為工程師文件而生的協作平台:HackMD 開發故事


(客座文章原文:國外找工作 :技術和面試題的蒐集、歸納與準備與約定面試時間等 )

客座文章作者簡介 & 照片



by 麥可故事貿易公司


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